The Energieküste proves that our future is renewable. For decades, renewable energies have been used to create added value. Here innovations of the renewable energy sector become established on the market – from the very first wind turbines to the use of hydrogen on an industrial scale. We utilise our decades of experience, combine skill sets and set an example for how the energy transition will work.
The administrative districts of North Frisia, Dithmarschen, Steinburg and Pinneberg are incubators for innovation in the field of renewable energies. The Energieküste network is a place where partners can combine their expertise and connect with other stakeholders from around the region. The surplus green energy produced on the Energieküste is the basis for building new value chains in a broad range of fields – from sustainable mobility and big data, to Power-to-X and energy-intensive industries.
The conditions in the region are perfect. The west coast of Schleswig-Holstein is a hotspot for the renewable energy sector – be it production, processing, distribution or storage. The location of the Energieküste between central and northern Europe and its transport links to the metropolis of Hamburg, home to Germany’s largest seaport and an international airport, are also key strengths.
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The west coast is one of the windiest areas in Germany. “Growian”, the first MW-class wind turbine in Germany, was installed here in 1983. Over 2,000 turbines have been installed here since. It thus comes as no surprise that the region is now one of the market leaders in the generetion of renewable electricity. Alongside wind, photovoltaic and biomass energies also constitute large parts of the energy mix.
The national hydrogen strategy aims at building a hydrogen economy using renewable energy sources. Wind energy – including the offshore wind farms along the Energieküste in the North Sea – makes it possible. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Westküste 100 project aims to gradually establish a regional hydrogen economy on an industrial scale. Companies such as KMW Wind to Gas Energy and GP JOULE already produce green hydrogen, which is used in the mobility sector, among other areas.
Numerous companies, start-ups and research institutes in the region are developing innovative storage solutions so that renewable energies can be used 100 percent. Here on the Energieküste, we work together with institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute ISIT and the company CUSTOMCELLS® in Itzehoe, the West Coast University of Applied Sciences and the QUARREE100 living lab project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The energy transition will only succeed if the mobility and transport sector transforms as well. On the Energieküste, we are working on this transformation in collaboration with local districts, public transport authorities and private companies. Electric vehicles and fuel cell technology play an important role in developing the traffic and transport systems of the future. The Energieküste is Germany’s leading region in the realization of hydrogen filling stations.
On the Energieküste, we are creating a regional, cross-sectoral and climate-friendly value chain. Innovative Power-to-X projects such as the QUARREE100 living lab are successfully being developed. Alongside heat and synthetic fuels, green hydrogen, generated using wind and solar power, is one important integrative component for successful sector coupling.
A comprehensive, renewable energy supply system must also include an integrated and sustainable heat sector. The West Coast University of Applied Sciences is working intensively both on the use of heat storage potential in the region and eco-friendly building system technology. An important innovation for increasing energy efficiency is the use of waste heat. Companies such as Windcloud 4.0 and Refinery Heide already use environmentally friendly waste heat for industrial projects.
Facts and figures
Gigawatt hours Energyfrom renewable sources on the west coast – this corresponds to sixty percent of the electricity from renewable energies in Schleswig-Holstein* Statistical Office North Annual Report 2022 -
Installed wind turbinesOffshore 478 with 7226 MW of power **** Expansion status of wind energy in SH, as of 27.06.2024, State of Schleswig-Holstein -
122.8 billion euro
Economic outputcharacterized by the service sector ****** National Accounts for states gross domestic product/gross value added 2022 -
2,000 ha
ChemCoast Park BrunsbüttelThe largest industrial estate in Schleswig-Holstein -
156 ha
Industrial and commercial spacesavailable, immediately and without restrictions ******** GEMO Westküste, as of December 2023 -
746 Stations
Charging stations**** for electric mobility along the Energieküste**** Charging infrastructure map of the Federal Network Agency