Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit

The Projektgesellschaft Norderelbe mbH endeavors to make its website barrier-free accessible in accordance with Section 11 Paragraph 1 of the State Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (LBGG) and the accessibility requirements in accordance with Section 13 Paragraph 3 LBGG.

This accessibility statement applies to

Status of compatibility with the requirements

This website/mobile application is partially compatible with Section 13 Paragraph 3 LBGG.

Non-accessible areas

The content listed below is not barrier-free:

  1. In the press section, the available PDF documents have not yet been checked for accessibility:

Creation of this accessibility statement

This statement was created on October 7, 2024. The assessment is based on a self-assessment.

Feedback and contact

Would you like to tell us about existing barriers or request information about implementing accessibility? For your feedback and any further information, please contact our responsible contact persons using the following contact details:

Telephone: +49 (0) 4821 17888-19

Complaints Procedure

If a satisfactory solution has not been found after your feedback to the contact mentioned above, you can contact the complaints office of the state of Schleswig-Holstein in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act (LBGG). The complaints office is tasked with resolving conflicts regarding accessibility between people with disabilities and public authorities in Schleswig-Holstein. It's not about finding winners or losers. Rather, the aim is to find a solution to a problem together and out of court with the help of the complaints office. The complaint procedure is free of charge. There is no need to involve legal counsel.

You can find all information about the complaints procedure on the Complaints Office website. There you can read how a complaint procedure works.

You can reach out to the Complaints Office at this contact data:

Beschwerdestelle nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz bei der Landesbeauftragten für Menschen mit Behinderung

Office address:

Karolinenweg 1
24105 Kiel

Postal address:

Postfach 7121
24171 Kiel

Telefophone: +49 431 988 1620