Press release

6th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste

discusses how to deal with water and areas

State Secretary for Energy Knuth: ‘Schleswig-Holstein is an energy transition state. Together, we want to utilise the opportunities of the energy transition and master the challenges.’

Representatives from politics, administration, research, local authorities and business came together today at the 6th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste in Brunsbüttel to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the hydrogen ramp-up. The focus of today's event was on land provision for the establishment of companies with an affinity for the energy transition and the water requirements for electrolysis projects on the west coast.

For the energy transition to succeed, the distances between the generation of green electricity and green hydrogen to the point of consumption must be as short as possible. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of the Energy Transition are already working on a joint process for land use planning, which should enable the coordinated establishment of energy transition-related industry at central grid connection points in Schleswig-Holstein.

‘We want to use the settlement potential along the entire green value chain in Schleswig-Holstein to transform our state into the first climate-neutral industrial state. With this process, we are also ensuring the responsible use of our valuable land and water resources,’ said State Secretary for Energy Joschka Knuth at the event.

Last month, the Federal Network Agency confirmed the hydrogen core network. This is to act as the starting network for the future hydrogen supply in Schleswig-Holstein and will be usefully supplemented by a demand-orientated and high-performance connection network.

Around 10 litres of treated ultrapure water are required to produce one kilogram of hydrogen through electrolysis. Both the choice of location and the technical planning of the systems, such as in the area of cooling processes, can have a direct influence on the water requirement. ‘The total water requirement for H2 production varies depending on which cooling process is used for water electrolysis. The availability and quality of local water resources are still an important criterion for the selection of suitable electrolyser locations. Alternative water sources (e.g. biologically purified wastewater) must be taken into account,’ said Dr Florencia Saravia, Head of Water Chemistry and Water Technology at DVGW-EBI during the forum.

Brunsbüttel is a pioneering region in the energy transition that offers both producers and consumers of green hydrogen the opportunity to locate in close proximity to each other. ‘Brunsbüttel is a unique model region for the energy transition. The existing and emerging projects here will play a decisive role in the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy. Today's dialogue makes me confident that we will continue to advance the energy transition together despite the global uncertainties,’ said State Secretary Knuth.

About the Infrastructure Forum Energieküste

The Infrastructure Forum Energieküste is a joint event format organised by the Schleswig-Holstein Energy Transition Ministry and Energieküste.

The Energieküste is a project of the West Coast Regional Co-operation, an association of the districts of Dithmarschen, North Frisia, Steinburg and Pinneberg, the economic development agencies egw:Wirtschaftsförderung, WEP, WFG Nordfriesland as well as the Flensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Kiel Chamber of Industry and Commerce.



> Press release 6th Energy Coast Infrastructure Forum (currently only in german)

Your contact person for the Energieküste

Kirsten Voss

T +49 (0) 172 375 52 42

Nordfriesland mbH
Schloßstraße 7
25813 Husum