Press release

5th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste

networks players in the energy transition

State Secretary for Energy Knuth: "If we want to transform our energy infrastructure, we can only do so in dialogue with all stakeholders."

From hydrogen as the key to the energy transition to grid expansion and industrial settlements: Around 150 company representatives and stakeholders from research, politics, administration and local authorities discussed the key transformation topics in the "True North" at the 5th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste in Heide district hall today.

The hydrogen core network for the large-scale transport of hydrogen is to be approved at federal level this summer. At the same time, the conversion of the gas distribution networks in the energy transition regions must be planned now. "Together with the network operators and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, we recently launched a hydrogen network development initiative in our state. The aim of the initiative is to identify necessary connection lines that can usefully supplement the hydrogen core network in Schleswig-Holstein," said State Energy Secretary Joschka Knuth at the forum.

"The transformation of the industry is already a reality on the Energieküste. The companies Northvolt and Holcim are demonstrating how the energy transition works and utilising the locational advantage of the green energy supply on the west coast. This green energy flows directly into regional value creation," explained District Administrator Claudius Teske. Following the start of construction of the battery cell gigafactory in March, the ground-breaking ceremony for Holcim's climate-neutral cement plant took place at the end of April. The company aims to make production at its cement plant in Lägerdorf in the district of Steinburg greenhouse gas-neutral by 2029.

"The green electricity that we produce in the North Sea and in Schleswig-Holstein helps our regional economy on the way to climate neutrality. However, in order to achieve our ambitious goals, we also need the right infrastructure, such as new power lines, substations and converters," says Knuth. "We can only achieve the energy transition with the right infrastructure, which is why it is all the more important to tackle the conversion quickly."


The Infrastructure Forum Energieküste is a joint event format organised by the Energy Transition Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein and the Energieküste (www.energiekü The Energieküste is a project of the West Coast Regional Cooperation, an association of the districts of Dithmarschen, North Frisia, Steinburg and Pinneberg, the business development organisations egw:Wirtschaftsförderung, WEP, WFG North Frisia as well as the Flensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Kiel Chamber of Industry and Commerce (www.rk-westkü

A conurbation of electricity generation from renewable energies is emerging on Schleswig-Holstein's west coast. For this reason, the electricity grid (distribution and extra-high voltage grid) on the west coast has been expanded for many years to meet the requirements of the energy transition, for example with the new 380 kV west coast line and extensive 110 kV high-voltage grid expansion in the region.

Further power lines will be added in Schleswig-Holstein for the so-called climate neutrality grid. Several new grid connection systems for offshore wind energy are planned for the further expansion of offshore wind energy, which is set to play a prominent role in the German energy supply by 2045. The project sponsors TenneT TSO GmbH and 50Hertz Transmission GmbH are planning most of these on a common trunk line with the NordOstLink underground high-voltage direct current (HVDC) line. The transmission system operator Amprion is planning the HVDC underground cable connection Corridor B between Heide in the Dithmarschen district and Polsum in North Rhine-Westphalia.

There will also be a need for hydrogen long-distance lines for hydrogen projects on the Energieküste in the future. As the use of natural gas as a fossil fuel will be replaced by renewable energies and hydrogen in the medium and long term, the conversion of the gas networks for the development of a hydrogen economy must already be considered today.


> Pressrelease 5th Infrastrukture Forum Energieküste (currently only in german)

Your contact person for the Energieküste

Kirsten Voss

T +49 (0) 172 375 52 42

Nordfriesland mbH
Schloßstraße 7
25813 Husum