Gripping political debate on the podium

Green location Schleswig-Holstein: The Energieküste Talk with Julia Carstens on 5.10.2020 in the Event Arena of the S-H stand at EXPO REAL met with great interest. The recently appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Labour, Technology and Tourism discussed the plans of the new state government with business promoters, including Dr Hinrich Habeck, GF WTSH GmbH, and Dr Jesko Dahlmann, ChemCoast Park Brunsbüttel.

On the topic of "What must the legislator do to implement the hydrogen strategy and the creation of new jobs quickly and sustainably?" Julia Carstens was asked in particular about the "inherited" settlement strategy.

"One or the other aspect of the settlement strategy of the previous government should be highlighted. In one place or another, it needs to be sharpened."
Julia Carstens, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Labour, Technology and Tourism S-H

Showing the flag for the uniqueness of the "Green Energy Valley" Energieküste – this had already been emphasised by Minister of Economic Affairs Claus Ruhe Madsen at the 4th Energy Coast Talk at WindEnergy.

"The Minister of Economics says that when the settlement strategies of all the federal states are lumped together and ours is pulled, you have to immediately recognise that it's Schleswig-Holstein."
Julia Carstens, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Labour, Technology and Tourism S-H

The Energieküste would like to thank all participants for their interesting contributions.

Energieküste Talk

Oct 05
5th October 2022, 13:30 - 14:00 Participants in the discussion round on 5 October 2022