Imminent shortage of skilled workers - How to secure the energy turnaround
A hot topic on stage: The ENERGIEKÜSTE TALK with Claus Ruhe Madsen, Minister of Economic Affairs of Schleswig-Holstein, attracted a large audience at Hannover Messe 2023. André Mewes, skilled labour consultant at Entwicklungsgesellschaft Westholstein mbH, and Anja Träger Project Manager SYSTOGEN100, Development Agency Region Heide, discussed with him the "Ecological transformation in Schleswig-Holstein - consequences for the labour market on the Energieküste".
Claus Ruhe Madsen said that he himself was surprised that according to a current Prognos study, there will be a shortage of 130,000 skilled workers in Schleswig-Holstein in 2030.
We must work on remaining attractive.
"We urgently need good infrastructure in the north. Rail, road, waterway," Minister Madsen continued. " Clarify, which education, which study do I need? Focus on further education."
The baby boomers are retiring. And with Generation Z, only half as many workers will be available in the future. With the sought-after youngsters also come completely new ideas and values that employers must adjust to.
Demographic change was foreseeable for a long time. Now it is here and requires a partly radical change of perspective.
Anja Träger saw many challenges, but also huge opportunities with regard to attracting skilled workers for the energy transition, for the Energieküste. The region offers numerous attractive companies and promotes the establishment of green industry, such as Northvolt.
Minister Madsen is also optimistic: "We are a very likeable country. We are looking ahead."