BWE Wind Industry Day Schleswig-Holstein 2022
Political prominence, responsibility and area dispute
"Creating energy transition - bearing responsibility". The theme of this year's Schleswig-Holstein Wind Industry Day on 5 May, combined with the timing three days before the state elections, promised a particularly interesting day. Thus, numerous political leaders got involved in the BWE event to position themselves prominently in the pioneering region for wind power. Naturally, Energieküste was there with an exhibition stand and used the event in Husum, which was very well attended with over 600 visitors, for networking.
Responsibility in the morning
Daniel Günther, old and new Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, kicked off the event with a speech on the responsibility of politics at state and federal level for the success of the energy transition. And also threw the first ball to the controversy of the day. Former Minister of Economics, Transport, Labour, Technology and Tourism Dr Bernd Buchholz, former State Secretary and new Minister Tobias Goldschmidt from the Ministry of Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment and Nature as well as the SPD top candidate Thomas Losse-Müller spoke as further political bigwigs from Schleswig-Holstein about the current wind issues.
And also Federal Minister Dr Robert Habeck did not miss the opportunity to contribute via video with solutions from the Federal Ministry of Economics on the keyword responsibility.
Renewable energies are peace energies.
President of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE)
Dispute of the day
Two percent, three percent or even more? It was not only political opinions that were in conflict over the state's area for wind energy. Daniel Günther referred to the already large area for wind turbines with more than two percent, including repowering areas. He emphasised the high level of acceptance of renewable energies among the people of Schleswig-Holstein, which he does not want to lose:
This positive spirit must be spread throughout Germany.
Bernd Buchholz joined him, albeit for reasons of development in general. So did NABU. Tobias Goldschmidt, Thomas Losse Müller and the BWE pleaded for at least three percent.
Information, inspiration, interaction
The afternoon of the Wind Industry Day was made up of various forums with well-known players, meet & greets with the energy policy spokespersons from the SH state parliament and a get-together for everyone.
An all-around informative, important day for the wind energy industry in Schleswig-Holstein! The Energieküste is looking forward to next year.