7th Energieküste Talk Husum Wind 2023
Northvolt - one of many miracles on the Energieküste?
Northvolt - will it be approved by the EU? Will the settlement in Heide be realised? The Swedish company has chosen the Energieküste as the prime location for its new battery cell gigafactory. The ENERGIEKÜSTE TALK "Green, green, green is all I've got?" about Northvolt's motives attracted many interested people to the stand.
We want to produce the cleanest batteries in the world, so we need the appropriate suppliers and sustainable, safe energy.
He is exactly in the right place on the Energieküste: "The North is the Ruhr region of renewable energies," said André Steinau, Managing Director Hydrogen in the GP JOULE Group. Dirk Burmeister, Chairman of the Heide Region Development Agency, is certain: "The energy transition will only produce winners here in the north." More and more innovative companies are being attracted to the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, where a completely climate-neutral energy system is being realised at lightning speed.
Should Northvolt materialise, it will not be a one-hit wonder, but one of many miracles in Schleswig-Holstein.
Kiel "state visit" to the Energieküste
A warm welcome - three political bigwigs from Kiel stopped by the joint Schleswig-Holstein stand. Minister President Daniel Günther enjoyed visiting his "homeland stand" on his HUSUM WIND tour and also found out about current developments on the Energieküste. "HUSUM WIND is no longer just a trade fair for the wind power industry. It has developed into the leading technology trade fair for renewable energies," said Daniel Günther.
From the Ministry of Economic Affairs, State Secretary Julia Carstens visited us, accompanied by Joschka Knuth, State Secretary in the Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature.
Areas, skilled labour and good electricity prices are the prerequisites for a climate-neutral Schleswig-Holstein.