4th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste
Think positive - Joint solutions for complex situations
The current political decisions and their impact on the Energieküste were the focus of the 4th Infrastructure Forum MEKUN and Energieküste on November 22, 2023. Numerous movers and shakers from business, industry, research and politics discussed at the groundbreaking conference the National Hydrogen Strategy and the 110kV distribution grid expansion plan against the backdrop of the situation at federal level.
The west coast would not be the stronghold of renewables if people here were easily frightened. "Let's make a winning story out of Schleswig-Holstein," said Joschka Knuth, Secretary of State for Energy Transition MEKUN, thus proclaiming the slogan for the Infrastructure Forum.
The Energieküste offers the best conditions for the development of the green hydrogen economy. The green electricity from S-H must be converted into H2 here on site.
Lines must not lag behind
In addition to a hydrogen core grid, the expansion of the energy grid infrastructure for green electricity is also necessary. New lines are needed for the increasingly important North Sea electricity and the expansion of wind energy in Schleswig-Holstein - both in the extra-high voltage grid and in the distribution grids. "The planning for new lines must keep pace with the expansion of renewables," continued Knuth.
Information and added value for everyone
Value creation and the involvement of citizens were also discussed. Claudius Teske, District Administrator of Steinburg County: "The Energieküste is also a home coast. In order to maintain acceptance in the region, added value must be recognizable and tangible for local citizens through the expansion of the energy infrastructure."
The entire Energieküste must be actively integrated into the value chain.
The residents of the Energieküste were represented this time by the Bürgerdialog Stromnetz. Julia Wachweger: "Communication must be more accessible to everyone. Citizens need to be involved. As a pioneering region, we also have a role model function in this respect."
On the road to climate neutrality
Experts discussed what this path could look like for the Energieküste at the panel discussion with Joschka Knuth. "Thinking challenges out of the box" was the watchword for Dr Jesko Dahlmann, Economic Development Westholstein egw. There is a great deal of openness and willingness in the region, was the unanimous tenor.
For the first time, with Dr Sebastian Wilckens, Head of the Economics Department, the Ministry of Economic Affairs S-H also took part in the Infrastructure Forum Energieküste.
We are on the right track and will use this to attract more companies to settle here.
Everyone is in demand
Cooperation is one of the strengths of the Energieküste. The four workshops on topics such as space requirements and communication provided plenty of inspiration, ideas and approaches to solutions.
"It's a joint task," summarized Knuth. "Thank you for the perspectives. We promise to promote the energy transition with the best possible solutions."
The 4th Infrastructure Forum, hosted by MEKUN and Energieküste, took place at the Energieküste partner Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT .
The participants of the panel discussion:
- Dr Sebastian Wilckens, Ministry of Economic Affairs S-H, MWVATT
- Dr Jesko Dahlmann, egw
- Annika Erichsen, Landeskoordinierungsstelle H2 (currently only available in german language)
- Julia Wachweger, Citizens' Dialogue on the Electricity Grid , Bürgerdialog Stromnetz
- Peter Helms, TenneT TSO GmbH
Currently only available in German
> Website Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature