Energieküste with news and events at WindEnergy:
New skilled labour campaign successfully launched
Four days full of exciting events, inspiring discussions and many new impressions - WindEnergy Hamburg 2024 was a complete success for Energieküste. From 24th to 27th September, 1,600 exhibitors welcomed around 43,000 visitors from over 100 nations to the world's largest business platform for the wind industry. Energieküste had three highlights in its trade fair package: the networking event ‘MEET THE NEED’, the get together ‘Wine o'clock’ and a brand new skilled labour campaign.
Offshore hydrogen and drones for wind energy
On the first day, partners from the Energieküste presented news and innovative concepts at the Schleswig-Holstein joint stand at ‘MEET THE NEED’. ‘Pioneering projects for the energy transition’ - the motto of the networking event lived up to its name.
We have a hydrogen strategy that should bring the 2016 law up to date.
The efficient utilisation of offshore wind energy was the topic of Energieküste partner AquaVentus. Managing Director Robert Seehawer presented a brand new study that recommends the combination of cable and pipeline as particularly efficient and flexible. However, this requires changes to the WindSeeG. Seehawer: ‘I see good opportunities. Changes to the law are of course difficult. Combined connection concepts are only prohibited in Germany.’
The Fraunhofer IFAM presentation focussed on the ‘Use of drone technology in the wind energy sector’. Tim Strohbach, Group Manager Maritime Drone Applications, and Dr Clara Drummer, Scientific Director, ORTHODRONE GmbH, presented the AURORA project (automation and support concepts for unmanned aerial vehicles for structural interaction on offshore wind turbines), which is part of the UAM-InnoRegion-SH. Strohbach: ‘There is no specific time frame for the application of the project. I do hope that the automation process will have increased in 5-10 years.’
The North Sea is set to become Europe's powerhouse in the field of renewable energies.
Joschka Knuth welcomes skilled labour initiative
A welcome guest from ‘home’: Joschka Knuth, State Secretary for Energy Transition and Climate Protection in S-H, was among the many visitors to the stand. Energieküste presented him the new skilled labour campaign Ready. Charged. Career! It now ensures greater visibility for careers in renewable energies on Instagram. Knuth was delighted with the initiative and immediately became the most prominent follower on Instagram.
Young talent for the future: As with the new microsite, the first phase of the campaign presents the most sought-after apprenticeship occupations and entry-level jobs. The Instagram campaign is multi-faceted with photo stories, testimonials, videos and lots of information - including about the quality of life on the Energieküste. Heinrich Gärtner and Ove Petersen, CTO and CEO of GP JOULE, as well as Stefan Mohrdieck, District Administrator AD Kreis Dithmarschen, also took the time for a flying visit.
Wine o'clock - the north rocks!
A networking evening that had it all: eight networks from the north invited guests to a convivial evening on the Offshore Stage. In addition to the initiators Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg (EEHH), EE.SH Schleswig-Holstein Renewable Energy Network Agency, WAB e.V. and Energieküste, the hosts included IHK Cottbus, Stiftung OFFSHORE-WINDENERGIE, WindEnergy Network e.V. and THE BLUE BEACH. Around 350 visitors enjoyed a perfect exchange over sandwiches, wine and soft drinks. And not to forget: a super DJ.
With this in mind: networks ahead for a successful trade fair and energy transition!