6th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste
Well prepared together for the hydrogen ramp-up
The hydrogen ramp-up on the Energieküste is gaining momentum. The 6th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste highlighted the needs of the green hydrogen economy, in particular water supply, infrastructure expansion and land availability for companies with an affinity for the energy transition. Around 150 guests and 20 speakers from business, politics and local authorities gathered at the Elbeforum Brunsbüttel on November 28th, 2024 to discuss these key topics for the future.
The hydrogen core network confirmed by the Federal Network Agency in October 2024 forms the starting network for the future H2 supply in Schleswig-Holstein. In accordance with the state's H2 grid development initiative, the core grid is to be usefully supplemented by a high-performance connection grid. The hydrogen grid infrastructure is one thing, the production of green H2 is another. Keyword water: electrolysis requires a lot of it, and in its purest form.
Water points the way to hydrogen
Dr Guido Austen welcomed the fact that the far-reaching tasks relating to water were presented in detail and hotly debated.
We need to clarify the central question of how the water supply for industry and commerce can function.
Availability and quality of local water resources are still an important criterion for the selection of suitable electrolyzer sites.
“The total water requirement for H2 production varies depending on which cooling process is used for water electrolysis,” explained Dr Saravia. The technical planning of the plants and the use of alternative water sources such as biologically purified wastewater should therefore be taken into account.
Land availability - a major issue for any development
In addition to the good use of water as a resource, the experts presented and discussed areas for electrolysis, battery storage and data centers. “We are working on land provision for energy-intensive companies,” said Frank Liebrenz, Head of Regional Development and Spatial Information, Ministry of the Interior SH (MIKWS), in the specialist lecture on this topic, which he gave together with Oliver Kühl, Ministry of Economic Affairs SH (MWVATT), and Dr Markus Hirschfeld, MEKUN.
Brunsbüttel hotspot
For the energy transition to succeed, the distances between the generation of green electricity and green hydrogen to the point of consumption must be as short as possible. Brunsbüttel is a showcase example of the energy transition that offers both producers and consumers of green hydrogen the opportunity to locate in close proximity to each other. “Brunsbüttel is not just the geographical center of the Energieküste, this is where the world is happening right now,” said Martin Schmedtje, Mayor of Brunsbüttel.
We need to work together and develop a common understanding of our projects.
Every input counts
In the second part of the 6th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste, all guests were asked to take part in four workshops. The valuable ideas and suggestions relating to the hydrogen core network and its requirements will be incorporated into MEKUN's planning. The panel discussion “Land provision, water requirements and energy infrastructure for a greenhouse gas-neutral economy” concluded the event by examining the topic from various perspectives.
Lots of information, impetus and inspiration: Today's dialog furthermore makes him confident that the energy transition will continue to be advanced together despite the global uncertainties, said State Secretary Knuth.
Schleswig-Holstein has the best conditions as a location - not only in terms of the availability of energy and space, but also in terms of the availability of water.
With the largest number of participants to date, the current forum is one of the most successful in the series. The high quality of the contributions from the renowned experts and the organizers from MEKUN, BNUR and the districts met with a very positive response with exactly the right topics. The format is constantly being developed and the 7th Infrastructure Forum Energieküste will take place in May 2025.
The participants in the panel discussion with Joschka Knuth:
- Dr Florencia Saravia, DVGW EBI
- Martin Schmedtje, City of Brunsbüttel
- Dr Guido Austen, Westholstein Development Company
- Hans-Heinrich von Maydell, S-H Farmers Asociation
- Dr Malte Grunwald, Gasunie
- Sven Kohnke, Yara Brunsbüttel GmbH
- Carl-Heinz Christiansen, Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation SH
> Press release from the state government of Schleswig-Holstein